February 5, 2009

One Step Away

When creating the Fenway Medical web site, I was aiming for a specific target audience of baby boomers who are now taking care of their elderly parents at home. During the process though, I have learned first hand that caregivers are not only tending to the needs of an older loved one.
My best friend in life has recently been overcome by frequent panic attacks and mild depression. Always a traveller and someone who has a zest for life, the past few months have taken their toll. I have been thrust into the caregiver role. Due to uncertainty about public places, I now am in charge of tasks such as shopping and picking up carry out. Frequent tiredness has required that I take on additional responsibilities around the house and in our friend circles.
I have learned several things during this experience. The first is to respect what your loved one brings to a relationship and the little things that they offer every day. Second, you need to take care of yourself. My site has published frequent advice on the health of the actual caregiver and how you need to also look after yourself. Maybe I didn't fully buy into this when just writing the words but now I understand. You may not feel that you have enough time in the day but as a caregiver you need to remember to care for you. And, if you are not currently a caregiver, keep in mind to look after yourself if you are given these responsibilities as we are all just one step away from being the rock that they look to for guidance.

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